+++ Low NOx Burner Technology +++ NOx < 50 mg/Nm3 +++ Natural Gas Fired Boilers +++ Without External Flue Gas Recirculation +++ Modernization of Existing Boilers +++ NOx < 50 mg/Nm3 +++ Watertube Boilers +++ Firetube Boilers +++ Steam & Hot Water Boilers +++ NOx < 50 mg/Nm3 +++ Without External Flue Gas Recirculation +++ Natural Gas Fired Boilers ++++++ Low NOx Burner Technology +++ NOx < 50 mg/Nm3 +++ Natural Gas Fired Boilers +++ Without External Flue Gas Recirculation +++ Modernization of Existing Boilers +++ NOx < 50 mg/Nm3 +++ Watertube Boilers +++ Firetube Boilers +++ Steam & Hot Water Boilers +++ NOx < 50 mg/Nm3 +++ Without External Flue Gas Recirculation +++ Natural Gas Fired Boilers ++++++ Low NOx Burner Technology +++ NOx < 50 mg/Nm3 +++ Natural Gas Fired Boilers +++ Without External Flue Gas Recirculation +++ Modernization of Existing Boilers +++ NOx < 50 mg/Nm3 +++ Watertube Boilers +++ Firetube Boilers +++ Steam & Hot Water Boilers +++ NOx < 50 mg/Nm3 +++ Without External Flue Gas Recirculation +++ Natural Gas Fired Boilers ++++++ Low NOx Burner Technology +++ NOx < 50 mg/Nm3 +++ Natural Gas Fired Boilers +++ Without External Flue Gas Recirculation +++ Modernization of Existing Boilers +++ NOx < 50 mg/Nm3 +++ Watertube Boilers +++ Firetube Boilers +++ Steam & Hot Water Boilers +++ NOx < 50 mg/Nm3 +++ Without External Flue Gas Recirculation +++ Natural Gas Fired Boilers ++++++ Low NOx Burner Technology +++ NOx < 50 mg/Nm3 +++ Natural Gas Fired Boilers +++ Without External Flue Gas Recirculation +++ Modernization of Existing Boilers +++ NOx < 50 mg/Nm3 +++ Watertube Boilers +++ Firetube Boilers +++ Steam & Hot Water Boilers +++ NOx < 50 mg/Nm3 +++ Without External Flue Gas Recirculation +++ Natural Gas Fired Boilers +++
Fives Pillard Deutschland GmbH



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Customized industrial firing systems from Pillard

Fives Pillard Deutschland GmbH has specialized on firing systems for the cement, lime and gypsum industry, as well as energy technique and environment protection for more than 50 years. Given a high equity ratio, Fives Pillard Deutschland GmbH is a well financed and reliable mid-size company able to guarantee completion of long-term contracts. We construe completion as cooperation based on trust, working with our customers as partners on a continuous basis, strictly following our internal quality management guidelines.

A highly motivated team of 80 specially qualified employees with experience from thousands of firing equipment work on individual solutions, in a scientific atmosphere. Our product portfolio primary includes: Rotary kiln burners, hot gas generators and thermal oil equipment in the field of mineral firing systems, as well as burners for boilers and induct burners in the field of energy firing systems. In addition to our main field of activity, we also support the application of our products / systems in special areas and help to optimize your combustion process.

We optimize your firing system

Complete solution means handling all related tasks, i.e. fuel handling as well as burners and combustion chambers. This, of course, includes all related safety and automation engineering as well as the necessary auxilliary equipment for example pre-heaters and thermal oil heaters. In other words, we provide a complete package that includes feasibility study, development, engineering, production, assembly, commissioning and customer service. And all that – worldwide.

Abdeckbrenner, reduction burner, Abfall, waste, Abfallaufbereitung, refuse recycling, Abfallbeseitigung, waste disposal, Abfallbrennstoff, waste fuel, Abfallverbrennungsanlage, waste incineration plant, Abfallverwertung, waste recovery, Abgasgeblaese, exhaust gas fan, Abhitze, waste heat, Abhitzeverwertung, waste heat utilization, Aktivkohle, activated carbon, Aktivkoks, activated coke, Altoel, waste oil, Anfahrbrenner, start-up burner, Anfahrbrennstoff, start fuel, Anfahrbrennstoffmenge, start fuel flow rate, Anfahrdrehmoment, starting torque, Anfahrflamme, start fuel flame, Angereicherte Luft, enriched air, Anheizbetrieb, warm-up operation, Anthrazitkohle, anthracite, Armgas, Schwachgas, lean gas, Aufbereitungsstation, preparation unit, Aufheizbrenner, start-up burner, Aufheizzeit, warming-up period, Ausstroemsystem, burner tip, Axialkanal, axial circuit, Axialkoerper, axial body, Axiallager, axial bearing, Axialring, axial ring, Blaehschiefer, expanded shale, Blaehton, expanded clay, Bodenheizschlange, bottom heating coil, Brenner, burner, Brennerausruestung, burner equipment, Brennerbedienungsstand, burner valve train, Brennergehaeuse, burner casing, Brennergruppe, multiple burners, Brennerkopf, burner head, Brennerkopfmutter, burner head nut, Brennerlanze, torch, Brennerleistung, burner input rate, Brennerstein, burner quarl, Brennertraeger, burner carriage, Brennerwagen, burner trolley, Brennkammer, combustion chamber, Brennkammerbrenner, burner for combustion chamber, Brennkammergehaeuse, casing of hot gas generator, Brennstoff, fuel, Brennstoffmenge, fuel rate, Brennstoffstaub, pulverized fuel, Brennstoffstufung, fuel staging, Brennstoffverbrauch, fuel consumption, Brennstoffversorgung, fuel supply, Brennstoffzufuhr, fuel feed, Deponiegas, landfill gas, Differenzdruckanzeiger, differential pressure indicator, Differenzdruckmanometer, differential pressure gauge, Differenzdruckregler, differential pressure controller, Differenzdruckschalter, differential pressure switch, Dolomit, dolomite, Doppelabsperrkombination, double quick shut-off valve, Dosierbehaelter, dosing bin, Dosierschnecke, dosing screw, Drallkanal, swirl circuit, Drallkoerper, atomiser, Drallschaufel, swirler blade, Drehofen, rotary kiln, Drehofenbrenner, rotary kiln burner, Drehofenbrennergehaeuse, casing of rotary kiln burner, Drosselklappe, throttle flap, Druckbegrenzungsventil, pressure relief valve, Druckbehaelter, pressure vessel, Druckfilter, pressure filter, Druckmessumformer, pressure transmitter, Druckreduzierstation, pressure reduzing station, Druckregelventil, pressure control valve, Druckwirbelschicht, pressurized fluidized bed, Druckzerstaeuber, pressure atomizer, Duesenstock, atomiser gun, Einlaufmessduese, measuring nozzle, Eisenerz, iron ore, Entstaubung, dust removal, Entwaesserung, dehydratation, Entwaesserungshahn, drain cock, Exzenterschneckenpumpe, eccentric screw pump, Feuerbestaendig, flame proof, Feuerfestmaterial, refractory material, Feuergefaehrlich, flammable, Feuerleichtstein, chamotte light weight brick, Feuerungsanlage, firing system, Feuerungsausruestung, firing equipment, Feuerungsautomat, combustion control unit, Filterstation, filtering station, Flammenfuehler, flame sensor, Flammenstabilisator, flame stabilizer, Flammenueberwachungseinrichtung, flame safeguard, Fluessigbrennstoff, liquid fuel, Fluessiggas, liqufied petroleum gas, Foerderluft, conveying air, Fuellstandsanzeiger, level indicator, Fuellstandsgrenzschalter, level limit switch, Fuellstandsmesser, level meter, Funktionspruefung, operational check, Gasdrallkoerper, gas swirler, Gasdruckregler, gas pressure controller, Gasdruckwaechter, gas pressure detector, Gasduesenstock, gas gun, Gasfoermiger Brennstoff, gaseous fuel, Gaskuehlgeraet, Gaskuehler, gas cooler, Gasuebergabestation, gas transfer station, Gaswarngeraet, gas leakage detector, Gaszusammensetzung, gas composition, Geblaesebrenner, forced draught burner, Geblaesegehaeuse, fan casing, Generatorgas, producer gas, Getaktete Feuerung, pulse firing, Gichtgas, blast furnace gas, Gips, gypsum, Gipswerk, gypsum manufacturing plant, Glashuettenwerk, glass making plant, Grubengas, pit gas, Handzuendbrenner, torch, Hauptbrennstoff, main fuel, Hauptbrennstoffzufuhr, main fuel supply, Hauptflamme, main flame, Heissdampf, superheated steam, Heissgas, hot gas, Heissgasschieber, hot gas slide valve, Heizbegleitleitung, tracing line, Heizelement, heating element, Heizflaeche, heating surface, Heizkabel, heating cable, Heizkerze, Heizwiderstand, heating resistor, Heizleistung, heating capacity, Heizoel, fuel oil, Heizschlange, heating coil, Heizung, heating, Heizwert, calorific value, Heizwertmessgeraet, calorimeter, Hersteller, manufacturer, Hitzebestaendig, heat-resistant, Hochofen, blast furnace, Hochofenschlacke, blast-furnace slag, Hochofenzement, blast furnace cement, Hochspannungszuender, high tension ignitor, Hochtemperaturanlage, high temperature equipment, Holzkohle, lignite, Jalousieklappe, shutter flap, Kalium, potassium, Kalk, lime, Kalkstein, limestone, Kalkwerk, lime manufacturing plant, Kalzinationsbrenner, calcination burner, Kanalbrenner, induct burner, Kesselbrenner, boiler burner, Klaerschlamm, sewage sludge, Kohle, coal, Kohlendioxid, carbon dioxide, Kohlenmonoxid, carbon monoxide, Kohlenstaub, pulverised coal, Kohlenstaubdosiereinrichtung, pulverised coal dosing device, Kohlenstoffstahl, carbon steel, Kohlezufuhr, coal feed, Koks, coke, Koksofengas, coke oven gas, Kolbendruckregler, piston pressure controller, Kraftwerk, power station, Kreide, chalk, Kugelhahn, ball valve, Leichtoelpumpe, diesel oil pump, Leichtoel, diesel oil , Leichtoelzuendbrenner, diesel oil torch, Luftdrallkoerper, air swirler, Magnesit, magnesite, Magnesitstein, magnesite brick, Mantelrohr, jacket tube, Muellverbrennung, garbage incineration, Muellverbrennungskessel, garbage incineration boiler, Muellverbrennungskraftwerk, garbage incineration power station, Muellverbrennungsofen, incinerator, Ofenfutter, kiln lining, Ofenkopf, kiln hood, Ofenmantel, kiln shell, oelduesenstock, oil atomiser gun, oelmengenzaehler, oil flow meter, oelschiefer, oil shale, Petrolkoks, petcoke, Pilot(zuend)brenner, pilot burner, Primaerluftventilator, primary air fan, Prozessgasaufheizung, process gas heating, Pruefbrenner, check burner, Pumpstation, pump station, Quarzsand, silica sand, Rauchgas, flue gas, Rauchgasmessung, flue gas measurement, Rauchgasrueckfuehrung, flue gas recirculation, Rohkohle, raw coal, Rohoel, crude oil, Rostfeuerung, grate burner, Rueckziehvorrichtung, pull-back device, Schwachgas, Armgas, lean gas, Schwachgasbrenner, lean gas burner, Schwefel, sulphur, Schwefeldioxid, sulphur dioxide, Sicherheitsabblaseventil, safety blow-off valve, Sicherheitsabsperrventil, safety shut-off valve, Steine und Erden - Industrie, non-metallic industry, Steinkohle, bituminous coal, Steinkohleteeroel, coal-tar oil, Stufenbrennstoff, staging fuel, Stufenluft, staging air, Stuetzbrenner, supporting burner, Stuetzbrennstoff, supporting fuel, Stuetzkonstruktion, supporting construction, Temperaturmessumformer, temperature transmitter, Temperaturregler, temperature control device, Tonerde, alumina, Tonerdezement, aluminous cement, Trocknungsanlage, drying equipment, Trommeltrockner, rotary drier, Tunnelofenbrenner, burner for tunnel kiln, Turbinenradzaehler, turbine type flow meter, Verbrennungsluft, combustion air, Verbrennungsluftgeblaese, combustion air fan, Verbundregelung, coupled control device, Vorwaermbrenner, pre-heat burner, Vorwaermer, preheater, Vorwaermstation, preheating station, Waermetauscher, heat exchanger, Waermetraegeroel, thermal oil, Wirbelschichtfeuerung, fluidized bed combustor, Wirbelschichtkessel, fluidized bed boiler, Wirkdruckgeber, differential pressure transmitter, Wirkungsgrad, efficiency, Zementwerk, cement manufacturing plant, Zentralluftkanal, central air circuit, Zerstaeubungsdampf, atomising steam, Zerstaeubungsluft, atomising air, Zuendbrenner, ignition burner, Zuendbrenner mit Abschaltung, alternating pilot, Zuendflamme, pilot flame, Zuendgas, ignition gas, Zuendlanze, lighting torch, Zuendtransformator, ignition transformer,